Monthly Archives: September 2012

Harvest Moon

The Odds

Storm. Rainbow. Bright blue skies in distance. Telephone pole screwing up a cool picture. Check. Storm. Rainbow. Bright blue skies in distance. Telephone pole, power lines, street signs, and car screwing up a cool picture. Check. Storm. Rainbow. Bright blue sky in distance. Building, street signs, and cars screwing up a cool picture. Check. Oh! […]

Waffle Stompers

Oh, the memories. Now I just need a flannel shirt, long johns and ripped jeans.

On Transformation

Face everything and rise Most especially when you’re tired and don’t want to give a fuck.

By A Country Mile

then through the trees and around the bend…

Deadlift Like a Pirate!

Avast me matey…Ye know whats I likes about ye ol’ hook grip? If I combine it with ye ol’dreaded pirate switch grip I can gets me about 15 or so more pounds on me deadlift PR…Yarrrr, tis true! tis true… Fifteen pounds on a deadlift bar yo ho ho and a bottle of rum […]

Look What I Found

Isn’t it awesome! I don’t know how it got here. I think someone must have wanted it buried so deep that no one would ever find it again. That happens sometimes, you know the world can be hard on the heart, especially if it doesn’t have someone to care for it correctly. But of all […]

Check it Out

all the pollen on the this bees legs! She was loaded down and having a hard time making it flower to flower.


But that’s alright. Having all the answers would be boring anyway. It’s all part of the mystery, and I love a good mystery.


A friend of mine recently had a painting of hers in an art show. This wasn’t her painting, but I was really impressed by this one; it’s a watercolor, no bigger than the size of my hand, from finger tip to the base of the palm. The detail was really impressive, but hard to see […]