Monthly Archives: August 2011

Farmers Market Bingo

I’ve been slacking off with my market pictures; sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. Here are some from a couple weeks ago. A game about common market sights we sometimes play. A couple things on the list: Dog the Size of a Small Horse. Dog with Mohawk. Really. That harness. It was just such a […]

Flower Friday

Today, it’s the funky pink flower. Enjoy.

Pre Flower Friday

The Bonsai Guy shared a booth space next to us at market, some of his plants flowered just before his final weekend (last week) at market. So I have some interesting flowers to share, but you’ll have to wait for Flower Friday to see that. I can’t decide which one to show first though, pink […]

Guess What!

I scaled a steep muddy wall, it must have been all of thirty feet tall. At first it gave me a scare, a real life vision of childhood nightmares. I slowed way down, took a look all around. First to my left, then to my right it was found. A sneaky little mouses hole right […]

Friday Flowers

Sunflowers! Before sunrise. I’m running out of farm flowers, but there’s still many weeks of market. Maybe the farm will have some nice fall surprises, that would be fun to share!

Flower Friday D -1

Some weeks just need more flowers than others.

Farmers Market Goodies

Flower Friday

New flowers have opened up at the farm. Sort of smallish in size, with multiple blooms per stem.

Sunlight Through Trees

I know, not even a creative title. Sorry. My brain has just been full of other things recently.

Best Hat Ever!

I have the best bosses and co-workers, they brought me back the coolest hat ever made!