Monthly Archives: May 2013

Lest They Be Forgotten

There is no real glory in war, and none should be given to it. But there should always be remembrance, praise, and thanks for those who sacrifice and pay untold costs, and even the grave for us. And for Papa, a Battling Bastard, I always take time to remember… Captured on Corregidor Islands; POW ’42-’45, […]

Barbell Therapy…

or mourning on the platform. My father died this week, unexpectedly. Yes, I am in shock, and very much heartbroken. But, how I am grieving over it, compared to how I would have expected myself to grieve over it, had I imagined myself in this very situation, is quite different. I think the way I […]

Head On…

That’s how you overcome the fears. I talk about looking into your shadows, fears, and failures so much because you have to know what’s hiding there in the dark corners of your mind like a boogie man. Those fears that are making you live a little less fully and shrink away from life a little […]