Monthly Archives: October 2010

Straw Bale House

I have ALWAYS wanted to see one of these straw bale houses, and got lucky this week while staying at the Sunrise Ranch.

Do You See It?

Why I Crossfit #6

Coach Exhibit A: Margaret. Did I mention she is 49? There was just something about my gym that was pretty comfy from the first moment I walked in, so really I was onboard from the word GO. But when Coach M took off her big sweat shirt to do a workout, and I saw the […]

Horizon Light

True horizon light; have I ever seen you before? It was surprising, the warmth and comfort your light gave to my soul.

Why I Crossfit #5

Went in feeling all angst-y and blue; came out feeling brand new. First, fellow gym Amazon SD came in and started working on trying to figure out the handstand push-up with the bands, and does a very nice job. Then after insisting that she couldn’t get upside down on the rings yet, with only a […]

A Picture Of Me Today

Today, I am somewhere between a threatening storm and bright blue skies. For no clear reason I just might laugh till I start crying, or cry till I start laughing. Either way I must be careful, lest the public think I am mad today when I go grocery shopping -best not go down the Hallmark […]


They are welded. Together. Why? I would have loved to have been privy to the events that led to this conclusion. Anchor, maybe…I love finding weird stuff!

Purple Mountain Majesty

Sunflower Heart Ablaze

More Homestead Pictures

Fine art is a wonderful thing, I enjoy it very much. But what I find more beautiful than art, it’s real life beauty in decay. Useful things, sometimes made with charming style to impress, but more likely just everyday simple items that were barely noticed in their regular use. My imagination is more inspired by […]