Ponytails, Wrinkles, Kettlebells, and Chalk

My coach and training partner is competing in the Colorado Masters at Front Range CrossFit this weekend. I was only able to catch one of the events today, but still, what an inspiring and humbling afternoon. In such a very short time, CrossFit is making a very significant change in how women view aging, health, fitness, and beauty. Don’t get me wrong, I knew this already. But, I don’t work out in a CrossFit box currently, right now it is just me and my training partner in her garage gym. So, I’m not really seeing what’s happening out there with other athletes.

The last Colorado Masters I spectated was two years ago, and this year I am seeing significant overall changes in the female athletes I am watching compete. As a whole, across all the age groups, they look stronger, healthier, and are pushing even harder than I remember from two years ago. The bar seems to be raising all the time, and they are all out there trying to reach it.

It’s never good to compare yourself to others in a self sabotaging way, but sometimes it’s good to get out and see what other women are pushing themselves to do. I have a very good training situation that I enjoy and that keeps me challenged, but days like today are real eye openers for me. Let’s not even talk about the women masters competing in my age group, right now, I couldn’t even come close to their performance. But when I see women 10, 15, and 20 years older than me performing at such high levels, it gives me pause to think about the quality I am bringing to my training, and how I could improve.

I am planning to go see the final day of this event tomorrow, so I can cheer on my friend, and collect more pictures of these inspiring master athletes to show you.

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