All summer I have been spending my saturdays working the Farmers Market in Ft. Collins for The Farm at Sunrise Ranch. I’m Volunteering and mentoring with them to learn the business of producing local Grass Fed Beef and selling direct, particularly the Farmers Markets. Every Saturday at market there are five of us working the booth. Two are Sara and Anita, two are ranch interns, and then myself. I’ll be posting a lot about Sunrise Ranch over time.
Who are these lovely goddesses surrounding me you ask? My mentors, Sara Puharich, Ranch Manager for the Farm at Sunrise Ranch and Anita Peterson, Office Manager for the Farm at Sunrise Ranch. Little 7 month old Sierra steals the show at market all day, and she has a killer squat-future Olympic weightlifting superstar, for sure!
Sara Puharich, Sierra (lil’ bit o’ light in Sara’s arms), Me, Anita Peterson
Sunrise Ranch Interns 2010; Julie and Sandy.
Sara letting Lil’ Bit explain the importance of Local Grass Fed Beef.
Proof is in the puddin’! Me, handing out meatballs in bone broth, made from the grass fed cattle of Sunrise Ranch
Sunrise Ranch interns 2010; Kate and Alisha.
Sara, Lil’ Bit, and crew; Shannon and Avana.
You have the best hat, though!