Hey! Where’s My F***ing Barbell?

Last night was a special WOD, some good friends from the gym are off to start a new life in a different part of the country. We had a special send off WOD -Grindy- just for them. It was brutal, given that I haven’t really done more than a handful of WODs in the last six months. But I couldn’t bear the thought of not being part of it and I jumped in. I got as close to Rx’d as I could. I only used a band to assist me in the pull-ups. But now it’s time to get serious about my recovery from my Weightlifting competition.

It seems like I don’t really have a choice either, since I’ve been grounded, for my own good, from my barbell AND anything more strenuous than foam rolling, epsom salt baths and ice packs *for time* for the next three days. When I went into the gym today I was handed a foam roller and lacrosse ball, then was told that, “Friends don’t let friends overtrain.”

She said this with a friendly smile and all, but, there was mention of having to write “Recovery is an important part of serious athletic training. I will let myself recover from intense training so I can continue to be awesome.” a hundred times on the whiteboard AND if I continued to be stubborn, maybe even some PVC pipe smacks to the back of the knee.

I think she was joking about the whiteboard and PVC…but I’m not sure I want to test it out; time to take care of myself.

Are you an athlete? Are you taking your pre-competition and post-competition recovery seriously?

It’s important. You’ll be even more awesome than you already are!

I’m not anywhere near being an expert, but this guy is. IMG_0783
So, in the words of Jim Wendler, “By not having a barbell on your back twice a week or a heavy load on your spine, your recovery between your workouts will be improved.
In addition to physical recovery, mental recovery will also be improved.”

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