And Then…

…as it always does, life moves on.

And I thought outdoor markets were exciting!

I ran my first indoor market today and it was a beautiful sort of chaos. It was somehow completely out of control and perfectly orchestrated at the same time.

All markets are chaos really. I have worked for places with accounting systems and procedures for cash drawers that Fort Knox would appreciate. Yet at market we have two little pocketed aprons split between two people and often three or more selling at the same time.

“Do you have change for $20.00?”
“Yeah. let me get this guy his $2.50 first.”
“hey. while your writing there, can you write up three sales for $6.25?”
” how many pounds was that ribeye again?”
“Great! thanks.”
“Hey, I need .50 cents over here.”

At outdoor market as I would do my paper work to close up the market bags and pay our fees the entire booth would come down around me. In moments the only thing left would be me, sitting in a chair at my little table in the middle of a parking lot. I would secretly be kissing my job goodbye, because I just knew there was no way that the money was going to work out. How could it? But I was always proved wrong. I am still completely amazed every week how my books will come close to a perfect balance, despite all of the chaos of cash and beef flying hand over fist.

I have thought to myself that the people who work markets, and enjoy it, are probably that breed of person that falls somewhere in the caste of carnies.

Then I think to myself, had I been introduced to the the carny life as a young woman of nineteen or twenty, there would be no question, I would’ve been a carny.

It was a bittersweet day, no Kate or Bryce. But Sara was there! How can you not have fun with a Sara around!
If you have a Sara around, and you’re not having fun, then you’re not paying attention.

Mushroom Guy has no idea how much danger he is in. The space between our tables is less than 12 inches. My booty. Significantly over 12 inches.
Have I ever mentioned I have a great love for mushrooms?

“Oops! Did I do that Mushroom Booth Guy? I did not mean to knock over all those tasty mushrooms. No I did not. Here let me just help you deal with all this ruined and now useless inventory.”

Overall, it was a great market day; though I think that I have a bit of a cold coming on now.

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