Training Log #10

I am starting to recover, I felt good enough to come in and train today.

It was a press day and since the was DB press at the gym today I decided to stick with the planned lift and WoD as offered today and call it good. I did do a 10 minute row, but not for any reason other than getting my heart and lungs warmed up.

DB Press:

40 failed

17: something (I beat the 20 minute cut off which was all I was aiming for today)

58# Power Clean
12k kettlebell swings
16″ Box Jumps
20# med ball slams

I really liked todays WOD, there is something very satisfying in the 10 to 1 scheme for me, I want to go faster and more non-stop the closer I get to 1.

I went with the lighter weight so I could keep moving. I really wanted to choose the 4″ box, but I am starting to feel the need to push myself more so I can make some progress in my weak points, also, I have been thinking about box jumping and oly. If I really want to get better at oly I am going to have to get better at a vertical jump. I am seeing how the power used to get lift off and elevation in the box jump can translate to oly. So I am working at sucking down my box jump paranoia and used the 16″ one. I ended up stepping a lot, but I did some jumping too.

I’ve been diligently working my knees-to-elbows and toes-to-bar for the past two months. I came about six inches shy of doing a real k2E this week, but I still don’t have T2B. So I haven’t decided how I am going to approach the Open Wod this week. I am between gutting it out and working at it till time is out, or accept the score up till T2B and continuing the rest of the WOD scaled from that point on.

Since everyone there will be a good friend I don’t suppose my pride will be hurt too badly if let them watch me struggle at it. What’s got me really nervous though, is I will be in another state for an Open WOD.

I am convinced that CF people are amazing people in other places besides my gym, I’m just not convinced that they are AS amazing. But it will do me good to get out of my pond and do this when my buddies are not around, so though I am nervous, I am excited too.

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