Blog Update…

I wanted to take this moment of quiet, and connection with my blog to update you on my status. If you have been checking my blog and found it to be unresponsive it is because my state is currently experiencing a massive flooding event. My home, and the location of my blog’s server is currently in one of the counties most severely impacted by this event. I have been evacuated from my home since Thursday noon and our town has been experiencing power outages. I assume that the server for my blog was effected by this, because as of Friday I lost contact with my Blog and email. Saturday afternoon we must have gotten power back because I was finally able to access both of these things. And, yesterday afternoon received word that the evacuation was lifted for my neighborhood.

I have dear friends who were evacuated also, yet stayed closer to home then I did. Thankfully, they have been sending me updates, they tell me that my home has survived this event. I was looking forward to getting back home today to start helping in my communities recovery efforts. However, just this morning it has begun to rain again where I am currently located. And it seems that there are more flood warnings going out now, and my county is still in the heart of those warnings. I was just told by a friend (who made it back to her home yesterday) that the National Guard unit helping our neighborhood has sent out warning that our area is to be prepared for a possible immediate evacuation alert.

I believe or at least I am hoping that we have seen the worst of it already, but it’s not completely over for us yet. My friend advised me to not come back at this moment, and the area I evacuated to is even beginning to experience some flooding concerns, nothing too worrisome yet, but after what we’ve seen we are being very cautious.

Until this is completely over there is still a chance I’ll lose power and connection to my server again. So, if this should happen please keep checking back, I haven’t stopped blogging, I am just operating under some challenging circumstances at this moment.

Thank-you for your understanding!

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