LL Boot Camp: Week 3

Monday 2/27/2012 Training and stats:

205.6 pounds

Zercher Squat:
1×135 -failed to make any

Low Bar Back Squat:

This was all technique.
3x3x35 High hang snatch from full standing upright. Working the very end of the pull and shrug, then the quick pull under the bar without using any arm/shoulder strength after my elbows have broken (bent).

2x3x63 Snatch -for the love of it

Ab/hammie assists:

3×5 L-lift with legs hitting a target
GHD: planned but ran out of time

Elizabeth -11:04, 63# 15,12,9 Cleans/ dips (on bars with blue and red band assit)

2000m 10 mins. damper 7, 2:31/500


Wednesday was the end of week two -there is always a two week “get acquainted” period- and the start of week three. I actually needed this time to learn some of the changes he’s made to his website tools. I was happy to see that some of the things that use to frustrate me have been greatly improved and are actually very slick.

All of our individual weight loss paces were set-he has mine at a 2.5 pounds per week. That is very doable and no big deal, but I’ve been having my waves of regret over this. The calories are low, general wisdom in the athletic community says it’s way lower then I should be taking in and reasonably expect to achieve my athletic goals too. None of my coaches were happy to hear this.

I’ve done these boot camps before, I suppose I knew what was coming, but I had forgotten. Actually it is more correct to say that I closed my eyes to justify signing up. What I didn’t mention in my first LL Boot Camp post is that there is a $5000. dollar cash prize to the best transformation. The lure of a generous cash prize and the thought of how far I’d come with my fitness, my food, my confidence and my self expectations since I last worked with David helped me paint a lovely picture of how I would have the best chance of anyone to win that money. And that is still true. But it might likely come at the cost of some of my athletic goals for the near future.

Yes, my calories will be low, but I did some research today and found out just how many grams of protein a day I need to build muscle and the meals that I am creating that are fitting into my guidelines are easily meeting those needs. And the veggies are sometimes more than I can finish in a day. So in the long run, what I am doing is not the same as trying to be a competitive athlete on a “two shakes a day and a sensible dinner.” plan. I will be eating, it will be primarily paleo, but I shouldn’t be harboring any fantasy that it will turn me into Molly Edwards in the next six months either.

What it will do is safely strip my body fat and set a solid foundation for my feeding frequency, and quality. Real food, low fat animal proteins, veggie dense. What it means is that I don’t get to use: tallow when cooking, have whole eggs, fatty beef, pork, nuts and nut butters, or the Crossfit beloved bacon on a regular basis. But I can have them as the weekly required splurge. And the best part about that is I now have a solution to the splurge issue I always struggled with before. I always wanted to splurge on foods that were ‘triggers” for my overeating, so I was always playing Russian roulette with my splurges. Yes I got the desired suger-bomb and then cravings that sent my head to the bottom of a cookie bag hours later and set me back with my goals.

However all the things I listed above are foods I enjoy but are not triggers. I can look forward to them, I know I can eat a reasonable amount, put it down and not find my head at the bottom of that bag of cookies. Desiring and working towards getting my diet to be more paleo and gluten free over the past couple years has helped me get a better handle on that, so I am walking in to this game more prepared than ever before.

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