Training Log #7

Monday 3.5.2012
I did the CF Rowing WOD today.

Row for Calories

1;30 active rest
1:30 active rest
1:30 cool down

128 calories

Nutrition…Sort of a train wreck today, I didn’t overeat, but I didn’t eat what I planned. I was non paleo splurgy today and didn’t eat all my protein.

I ate more than this, but I want to list my unplanned splurgy sins: one cookie, 16 oz. peach smoothie, and a 8 oz yoghurt w/ .25 cup of granola, piece of bread.

The only reason I listed the above is because of this; it’s really not horrible considering the average american diet in any given day. If 20 years ago I would have considered eating the above foods in the same day as “splurgy sins” I might have been able to maintain a fairly normal weight.

But today, having those foods in that quantity, and mentally/emotional feeling like it was a bit of a food train wreck day, I think this means something is starting to go right in my head with food.

The fight in my head over food these days sounds more like this: “you really shouldn’t eat that yoghurt, they probably found a way to put corn syrup and fillers in it, and the granola is loaded with gluten and sugar too. Besides, you already ate off plan and had a cookie and bread today -more gluten and sugar- come on girl how much more do you need.”

And not: “Oh my god! you just bought that box of cookies and look at it! It’s half gone! Oh well, might as well finish this box and just get a another so no one knows.”

But that was the insanity, I was 260 pounds, on some level, everyone knew.

I think that’s progress.

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