Training Log #5/6

Sunday 3/4/12

WOD #2 finally completed.

I first predicted that I would only get 30 reps @45# and if I was lucky 1-5 @75#. I came out with a total of 48 reps which surprised the heck out of me. 45# no big deal, I paced myself at 10 non-stop reps per rest and that felt great. I put the 75# on and I failed the first three reps which had me freaked. Whenever I am trying to get a new weight up in oly I can spend weeks trying to make myself squat under the bar (it’s all mental) and even though squatting under 75# shouldn’t have been a big deal, it was today. I think it was the combination of needing to go fast and having spent 30 reps power snatching 45# my body and mind was not adjusting to how it needed to change. I just couldn’t get myself to squat so I could get under it and I couldn’t get enough torque on the bar to make it a power snatch. My head was muddled and I was trapped. I couldn’t get the weight up but I had a lot of time left on the clock. My counter was doing her best to encourage me but I just couldn’t get one.

One of the my coaches saw me struggling and got a little tough instead and that was just perfect. It snapped me out of the panic that I was going to spend the next 6-8 minutes picking up the bar and dropping it. I chose to try this split snatch that was recommended. It was ugly and with a press out, but I got it up and that was all I needed. All of the 18 @75# I did were ugly but they got up.

I am tired, but I am happy.

Because I intended to have some video of the meet to show by now, I didn’t invest much time in my last training log post. But my computer and camera are not talking right now and I haven’t been able to get my videos from this weekends meet on to my computer -which also monkey’d up, Folk Song Friday.

So for now I will show you a neat Youtube piece I found…I’m really into the Russian/Balkan/Gypsy sounding stuff right now.

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