Wednesday February 29 2012, Leap Day!
125 fail (didn’t think this one through, mental problem here -too big of a jump at one time. I was loosing my spotter so I scratched backing down the weight and giving it another go.)
3×5 L-leg raises
3×5 Bar dips -red/blue band assist.
4 x 500m 1 min rest
#1 = 2:10 (missing 10th cause it’s from memory -messed up my monitor programing)
#2 =2:07.6
#3 =2:04.5
#4 =2:05.3
Decided against WOD since I have a powerlifting meet coming up Sat. and I will probably do the Crossfit Opens, WOD #2 tomorrow.
I didn’t expect the WODS to get so intense so quickly!
30 Snatch (M 75 / F 45 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 135 / F 75 lbs)
30 Snatch (M 165 / F 100 lbs)
Max Rep Snatch (M 210 / F 120 lbs)
This is a hard one for me. Actually, no, it’s not. I love to snatch, out of all things I do that is my favorite lift. But, my back and my joints are compromised right now. And even when I’ve been training and I’m fully ready to compete at weightlifting, 75# is nearly 85% of my 1 Rep Max snatch. I have yet to even attempt a 95# snatch so let’s not talk 100# for 30 reps. I am not going to do something I love but know I am not conditioned for right now and potentially injury myself and delay my training further.
At this point I am thinking 30@45# is doable. I may not have time to do 75# but if I do, then I will go for 1 rep @ 75# and if I still have it in me for more, try for 4, then shut down.
Showing up is the best of what I got this year. I didn’t even really want to do the Games Open because I’ve been in a lot of pain.
But then I thought; Who isn’t?
If I didn’t have a meet and I was completely injury free then I might gut out the 75# as far as I could, but, I don’t see what doing that now really gains me. And with my back in it’s current condition, doing a rep scheme like that isn’t going to do my form any favors.
For now I’ll just set a reasonable goal to aim for and hit that.
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